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Raise Your Hand if You Think That Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

Marlita’s Atlas


I’d like to believe that the way you come into this world is reflected in your personality. Well, I arrived a week early. I even slid out before my mother was given any anesthesia. So, while patience is a virtue, I strongly believe I struggle in this department because of how I was born.

Throughout my life, I’ve always wanted things done yesterday. I’ve also been obsessed with planning what I was doing a week, month, and even a year ahead. But, as we all know, life is a roller coaster. While I’ve been reminded of this many times over the years, it feels like I’ve recently been taken for an extremely loopy ride — filled with many pivots, bumps, twists, and turns.

If I was better at being patient and staying present, I wonder if it would be easier for me to take notice of the small things that matter like sharing a good laugh with a friend. I also wonder if I’d be less stressed about major decisions that I have no control over — such as knowing exactly when I’ll be able to move abroad. Therefore, I’ve started to ponder if good things really do come to those who wait.

How many times have you been told to stay present? Does this comment make you cringe or give you a sense of calm? Or do you feel a little bit of both when someone tells you to stop and smell the roses?

For me, I’m starting to realize that I can conserve energy by not projecting or stressing about what the future may bring. While I’ll never change being a planner and working towards making my goals happen, I finally realize that patience is a great approach that’ll help me appreciate the process of getting where I want to be.

So, do you think good things come to those who wait? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.



Marlita’s Atlas

Hi, I’m Marla. I write blogs on topics that matter, spark conversations, and inspire. Find me at